renters insurance

Renters Insurance: Why Do I Need It?

If you rent an apartment or condo in San Diego, you might think renters insurance isn’t necessary. You may feel you don’t own valuable items, or believe your property management company or landlord will handle any damages. But what about everyday items like clothes, toiletries, and food? Those costs can quickly add up.

The Importance of Renters Insurance

The truth is, renters insurance is crucial. You never know when unexpected expenses will arise that could have been covered. For example, if you’re hosting a barbecue at your apartment and someone accidentally gets burned on the grill, you’re protected. Similarly, if a friendly football argument escalates and someone requires medical attention, your insurance can cover those liabilities. These scenarios highlight the many ways you could be held responsible, making renters insurance a smart choice.

Many people are surprised to learn that renters insurance is relatively inexpensive. In many cases, you can easily add renters coverage to your existing car insurance policy for a nominal monthly fee. Some companies even offer discounts when you bundle multiple policies. Overall, having insurance is financially wiser and can save you from the stress of replacing lost belongings in the event of a disaster.

At Certified Restoration, we know from experience that being prepared is always better. We often see situations where individuals lack the proper insurance coverage, leading to significant financial loss, time wasted, and increased stress.

Consulting Your Insurance Agent

Talk to your insurance agent about the various policies available, including renters insurance. They can help you find a plan that suits your needs and ensures your belongings are adequately covered. Remember, standard renters insurance typically does not cover floods or earthquakes, especially in areas like San Diego prone to these events. Be proactive and ask your agent about obtaining additional coverage if needed.

No one can predict unexpected events with costly consequences. However, you can take steps to protect yourself. Be prepared with a renters insurance policy that will support you when you need it most.

— Lacy Dickerson, Certified Restoration

— Cameron Stevens, Farmers Insurance

Lacy focuses on building client relationships, social media, and marketing at Certified Restoration, while Cameron brings his experience with Farmers Insurance to help protect renters in San Diego.




“Disclaimer: This article is for general information ONLY and is not intended to be legal, medical, or scientific advice. The proper approach to each project must be determined on a case-by-case basis. Certified Restoration always recommends that you call a certified restoration professional, especially when there are children, elderly, or individuals with health conditions residing in the property. “