House Flooding

Eight Essential Facts About House Flooding and Flood Damage

San Diego homeowners experiencing flood damage for the first time may feel overwhelmed. Don’t worry! Here are eight key insights to help you navigate the situation.

1. Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is only available through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). While general water damage can often be covered by standard homeowner’s insurance, floods caused by storm surges require NFIP. For issues like a broken washing machine hose, your homeowners insurance should help cover restoration costs. House flooding caused by storm surges often requires special insurance coverage through the NFIP.

2. Different Types of Water

Understanding the type of water damage in your home is crucial for professionals like Certified Restoration:

– Clean Water: From sources like a dishwasher water line, this type is free of contaminants.

– Gray Water: Drain water from showers or washing machines may contain bacteria and contaminants.

– Black Water: This includes water from sewage backups, floods, or overflowing toilets, and is highly dangerous.

3. Water Damage Insurance Revisited

When sudden water damage strikes, your insurance can often assist with restoration costs. However, if you neglect issues like a failing sump pump, your insurance may not cover those damages.

House Flooding

4. Mold Can Develop Quickly

House Flooding

Mold spores are airborne and can thrive in warm, moist conditions. After water damage, time is critical; if you don’t act swiftly, mold damage may develop in your home.

5. Thoroughly Inspect the Area

Just soaking up visible water isn’t enough. Water can seep into wood floors beneath carpets, so it’s vital to uncover everything to locate and eliminate all moisture. This thoroughness will also aid your insurance claim.

6. Contact Your Insurance Provider Immediately

As soon as you notice water damage, notify your insurer to initiate the claims process. They can also connect you with reliable water damage restoration companies like Certified Restoration.

7. Manage Humidity Wisely

Rather than opening your entire home to reduce humidity, utilize your HVAC system for effective dehumidification.

8. Stay Calm and Patient

Avoid panic; ensure all water is located, all damaged items are removed, and any mold is eradicated before beginning the restoration process.

For expert advice and prompt service, reach out to Certified Restoration, your trusted partner for quick and professional water damage restoration in San Diego. We are available 24/7 to provide assistance when you need it most! Learn more about our comprehensive water and flood damage services today.